Update in Video Form

22 Feb

P’s has added a lot of new accomplishments to his resume this month so rather than write about them I thought I would just show him in action! It’s much cuter that way! The first video is the longest at one minute and actually a bunch are even under 10 seconds – so don’t get too overwhelmed that you need to sit down and pop a bag of popcorn or anything in order to enjoy them all!

These first two videos are actually from the end of December. In the first, he got this toy for Christmas and within in a week he had it figured out! Still one of his favorites! In the second Parker is showing off how he can click his tongue. He thinks it’s so funny and does it all the time and is much quicker at it now than he was in this video too.

All of the next videos below are from this month. Parker received blocks for Christmas and for the longest time all he would do is knock down towers we would build or clap them together. Now he has started stacking! 3 is the highest we’ve gone so far before he gets too excited and knocks them down.

Two days after his first birthday Parker decided he was ready to start walking and he hasn’t stopped since. Little booger could have done it the day before for his birthday party – but I forgive him 🙂

Parker is obsessed with “lights” now and anytime I say the word “light” he immediately points up. So I had a little fun with him in this video even though he was cranky and ready for his nap!

For weeks I’ve been reading this book with animal noises and he would sit patiently and listen. One day the other week when I asked “What does a snake say” he randomly responded with a “hiss!” I don’t think I’ve been so excited. It’s always hard to tell if they are really paying attention when you’re trying to teach them something. Well since then we’ve added a few others and I finally got him focused enough to do a few in a row together (although you really have to listen for the snake sound as I’m talking over him a bit when he does it). We do need to work on differentiating the tiger and crocodile a little better though, haha.

Finally just this week he learned how to go from the sitting to standing position without pulling up on something. This has made him very happy because before anytime he was walking and would fall down he would start to cry/whine because he didnt want to crawl over to something else in order to get back up.

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for watching!!

4 Responses to “Update in Video Form”

  1. lisa February 22, 2013 at 1:40 pm #

    So adorable!

  2. jayandjamielynn February 22, 2013 at 6:32 pm #

    Smart cookie!

  3. Joann April 10, 2013 at 9:53 pm #

    I just stumbled upon your blog through Instagram and I just wanted to tell you Parker is super cute!! Love the “lights” video!

    • Melissa April 10, 2013 at 10:25 pm #

      Thank you! Now only if I found some free time to update more. I’ve been a bit of a slacker lately 🙂

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